A common stomach ache that you can self-treat with over-the-counter medications could potentially be something much bigger that you’re suppressing.
Instead of stomach pain or stomach pain, it could be a stomach ulcer that you are experiencing. Although they have similar symptoms, stomach ulcers can be fatal if left untreated.
Stomach ulcers are a type of peptic ulcer that is treatable but should be taken seriously.
It is crucial that you are aware of any symptoms and whether they occur regularly because they can present with different symptoms that can mislead people into thinking that something is wrong with their digestion.
According to the researchers, the bacteria H. pylori, which is often benign but can cause ulcers in some people, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen are the two main causes of ulcers, especially if taken frequently or in large doses.
Although there is not much evidence that lifestyle factors such as stress or spicy food can cause ulcers, they can certainly make the condition worse.
A simple breath, blood, or stool test may be used to determine whether H. pylori bacteria are present if an ulcer is suspected.
In cases where bacteria are present, antibiotics are given to clear them up, and while the ulcer is healing, other medications may be used to lower stomach acid levels.
The most common and obvious symptom of a stomach ulcer is abdominal pain, which many people describe as burning.
It usually starts a few hours after a meal and can last minutes or hours. Antacids can temporarily reduce the pain, only to have it return.
Other, less common signs and symptoms include weight loss, indigestion, heartburn, decreased appetite, and malaise.
The best course of action is to see a doctor if you experience persistent symptoms of a stomach ulcer, such as passing tar-like, sticky or dark stools, sudden, sharp abdominal pain that worsens over time, or blood in the vomit.
The blood may appear bright red or dark brown and gritty, resembling coffee grounds.
Although extremely rare, stomach ulcer complications are very serious, leading to internal bleeding, perforation (when the lining of the stomach tears), or gastric outlet obstruction (where the stomach swells to the point where food cannot pass through).