Summary: Regular light exercise can improve cognitive function in older adults, according to a recent study. The study found that low-intensity cycling three times a week for three months significantly improved executive function in older adults, especially those aged 68-78.
These cognitive improvements are associated with increased efficiency of the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain controlling executive functions. This finding may influence the design of exercise programs tailored to older adults with low levels of fitness or limited exercise motivation.
Key facts:
- The study found that low-intensity cycling three times a week for three months led to significant improvements in executive function in older adults.
- The benefits of light exercise are particularly pronounced in older adults between the ages of 68 and 78.
- Improved cognitive function is associated with increased efficiency of the prefrontal cortex, the brain area that controls executive functions.
source: University of Tsukuba
Maintaining and promoting cognitive function in older adults can be aided by regular exercise.
While previous research has focused on the effects of moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise programs lasting six months to one year on executive function controlled by the prefrontal cortex, the challenge lies in motivating people to participate in and stick to rigorous exercise routines.

Based on previous studies conducted by researchers at the University of Tsukuba and the University of California, Irvine, it was observed that even short sessions of light exercise, such as walking and yoga, can stimulate the brain and lead to temporary improvements in cognitive performance.
However, the effects of long-term light aerobic exercise on brain function in humans, as well as the underlying mechanisms involved, remain unexplored.
For this study, a group of healthy middle-aged and older people (aged 55-78 years) were randomly divided into two groups: one performed low-intensity bicycle exercise three times a week for three months (exercise group), while the other group continued their normal daily routine (control group).
The research team assessed participants’ executive function using a Stroop test and assessed prefrontal cortex activity during the task using functional near-infrared spectroscopy before and after the intervention.
The findings, published in the journal GeroScience, revealed that the exercise group showed a significant improvement in executive function compared to the control group. It should be noted that when the data were analyzed by age, the benefits of light exercise were particularly pronounced in the elderly group (aged 68–78).
The main brain mechanism behind this improvement involves an increase in the effective activation of the prefrontal cortex. In other words, executive function is high while corresponding brain activation is relatively low.
These results suggest that even three months of light exercise can strengthen the brain’s functional networks, allowing the prefrontal cortex to be used more effectively during the Stroop test.
This finding highlights the positive impact of light, non-stressful exercise over a period of three months to strengthen the prefrontal cortex and improve cognitive function among older adults.
The findings are expected to contribute to the development of new exercise programs and strategies that improve executive function and are readily accessible to older adults with low levels of physical fitness and limited exercise motivation.
About this exercise, cognitive function and aging research news
Author: Kyungho Byun
source: University of Tsukuba
Contact: Kyeongho Byun – University of Tsukuba
Image: Image credit: Neuroscience News
Original Research: Free access.
“Mild exercise improves executive function by increasing neural efficiency in the prefrontal cortex of older adults” by Kyeongho Byun et al. GeroScience
Mild exercise improves executive function by increasing neural efficiency in the prefrontal cortex of older adults
This study investigated whether a 3-month light exercise intervention could improve executive function in healthy middle-aged and older adults in a randomized control trial. Ultimately, a total of 81 middle-aged and older adults were randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a control group.
The exercise group received 3 months of light cycling exercise intervention (3 sessions/week, 30–50 min/session). The control group was asked to behave as usual for the intervention period. Before and after the intervention, participants performed a Stroop color-word matching task (CWST), and reaction time (RT) associated with Stroop interference (SI) was assessed as an indicator of executive function.
During the CWST, prefrontal activation was monitored using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). SI-related changes in oxy-Hb and SI-related neural efficiency (NE) scores were assessed to investigate the underlying neural mechanism of the exercise intervention. Although the light exercise intervention significantly reduced SI-related RT, there were no significant effects of the exercise intervention on SI-related oxy-Hb changes or SI-related NE scores in prefrontal subregions.
Finally, changes in the effects of light exercise on NE with advancing age were examined. 81 participants were divided into two subgroups (younger age (YA) subgroup, older age (OA) subgroup, based on mean age (68 years.)). Interestingly, SI-related RT significantly decreased, and SI-related NE scores in all prefrontal cortex ROIs significantly increased only in the OA subgroup.
These results reveal that a long-term very mild-intensity exercise intervention has a positive effect on executive function, especially in older adults, possibly by increasing neural efficiency in the prefrontal cortex.