There has been an unusual rise in the number of children and teenagers worldwide being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes since Covid, researchers say.
A new study in JAMA Network Open the journal collated available data from various countries, including the UK, on more than 38,000 young people diagnosed during the pandemic.
The authors describe the increase in diabetes cases as “significant.”
More work is needed to understand why the rise is happening, they say.
Some of the rise may be due to catch-up – from backlogs and delays when health services were closed – but it does not account for all newly diagnosed cases, scientists say.
Before the pandemic, the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes was already increasing at about 3% per year.
- there was a 14% increase in the rate in the first year of the pandemic compared to pre-Covid
- in the second year of Covid, the rate rose by about 27% from pre-pandemic levels
Regardless of the cause, more resources and support may be needed for the growing number of children and adolescents affected by type 1 diabetes, University of Toronto researchers say.
What is type 1 diabetes?
- People with the condition must monitor their blood sugar levels closely and take insulin to control them, as their bodies cannot do this automatically
- This is because the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are mistakenly destroyed by the body’s immune system
- It occurs in children and adults, but the causes are not fully known and there is currently no cure
What’s behind the rise?
Experts say it’s unclear what caused the spike in cases, but there are some theories.
One such theory is that Covid may trigger a reaction in some children that increases the risk of diabetes. But among studies looking for this type of autoimmune reaction — where the body starts attacking some of its own healthy cells — not all have found evidence to support the theory.
Another hypothesis is that childhood exposure to certain microbes may help protect against a number of conditions, including diabetes. Some scientists think it’s possible that lockdowns and physical distancing during Covid meant many children weren’t sufficiently exposed to germs and missed out on that extra protection.
Hilary Nathan, director of policy at type 1 diabetes charity JDRFUK, said: “This research reflects a life-changing reality for so many families here in the UK.”
She urged people to look out for the symptoms of type 1 diabetes: fatigue, thirst, needing to go to the toilet to urinate more often and weight loss or increasing weakness – collectively known as the four Ts.
“Knowing these signs and getting an early diagnosis and prompt treatment can be lifesaving,” she said.

Theo, pictured with his mum Jo, manages his diabetes using an insulin pump
Theo, now 9, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a year ago. This happened just a few months after he contracted Covid. His mother, Jo, says it came as a shock: “I didn’t know anything about diabetes.
“I thought it was a misdiagnosis because he wasn’t bad with it. We are very lucky to have caught her early.
“You’re trying to process that your child is going through this. They teach you all these scientific facts about the condition… to keep them alive. If you don’t, you know there are dire consequences. “
Theo, who lives in Sheffield, now has an insulin pump and is managing his diabetes well.
Dr Faye Reilly from Diabetes UK said: “Research worldwide has found a higher than expected number of diabetes diagnoses following the Covid-19 pandemic. This study adds to the evidence.
“Future studies that examine longer-term trends will be important to distinguish the impact of the pandemic from natural fluctuations in the incidence of type 1 over time, and to establish the set of factors that could be behind any apparent rise.” “