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Fibre supplement may reduce risk of dementia

Fibre supplement may reduce risk of dementia

Taking a daily fibre supplement has been shown to boost brain function in older adults in just 12 weeks, paving the way for a new weapon in the fight against dementia. The study showed that the simple and cheap addition of prebiotics – plant fibres that help healthy bacteria grow in your gut – to...

Babies dying due to lack of heart defect test, doctors warn

Babies dying due to lack of heart defect test, doctors warn

Babies are dying unnecessarily or being left brain damaged due to a failure to adopt a simple test for heart defects, doctors writing in the Lancet journal have warned. Pulse oximetry takes five minutes and measures a baby’s oxygen levels. But doctors writing in the journal say that the National Screening Committee (NSC) is yet...

Dyson Cancer Centre in Bath to open later than planned

Dyson Cancer Centre in Bath to open later than planned

The opening of a new cancer centre at a hospital has been delayed. The Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospital Bath (RUH) will now expect patients in spring 2024, rather than at the end of 2023. The RUH said this was due to a shortage of engineers. Libby Walters, RUH chief financial officer,...

How your favourite fruit could slash your risk of dementia

How your favourite fruit could slash your risk of dementia

EATING strawberries could slash your risk of dementia, a study shows. Feasting on Britain’s favourite fruit every day can help reduce chances of the brain-eating disease, US researchers found. Eating strawberries every day could lower your risk of dementia, a study showsCredit: Getty Dr Robert Krikorian, of the University of Cincinnati, said strawberries — as...

Woman left 'near blind' wins £200,000 settlement after Grimsby hospital misses appointment

Woman left ‘near blind’ wins £200,000 settlement after Grimsby hospital misses appointment

A woman who was left nearly blind partly due to a delay in treatment for an eye condition has said she “wouldn’t wish it on anybody”. Susan Clarke, 58, was awarded £200,000 compensation in October after Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust admitted medical negligence which partly contributed to her loss of vision, which...